May 2017  global temperature update (belated)

May 2017 global temperature update (belated)

I update the GISTEMP records every month, but I missed writing up April’s monthly summary. Real-world events have set my priorities elsewhere and this May 2017 write-up is a couple of weeks overdue. Monthly updates are probably overkill anyway, especially when there are no dramatic changes taking place.

Here is how May’s monthly global average looked relative to all months since January 1998.


May 2017 was the second-warmest May anomaly ever and was in the top 16 22 or so of all months ever recorded. Continue reading

Not all Christians are like Roy Spencer, thank God

Dr Roy Spencer of the University of Alabama is one of the few scientists who minimize the importance of the human contribution to recent climate change. He is also an ardent Christian and a member of the advisory board of the  Cornwall Alliance, a group that thinks that God’s fingers control the global thermostat. He’s an evolution “doubter”, “contrarian” or “skeptic”, as well.

Previously, he  has likened those of us who are concerned about climate change to Nazis.

Today, in the wake of the dreadful terrorist attacks in Paris, he posted this on Facebook.

As a response from a Christian to the human suffering in Paris, I would have expected something better than sarcasm and ideological point-scoring. You know, something like compassion for the victims, even forgiveness for the perpetrators. Instead Spencer serves up snarky comments about SUVs and gun control. He should be ashamed of himself.

However, we must be careful not to judge all Christians by the behaviour of one deranged extremist.